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File sharing is an essential business process that allows employees to collaborate on projects with clients, colleagues and other external partners. Files that are not secured can make businesses vulnerable to cyberattacks. This can lead to costly data breaches and irreparable reputation damage.

Secure File Sharing

It’s more crucial than ever to keep your company’s files safe while in transit. Although a variety of options are available for file transfer, a lot don’t have security features built into them, making it easy for attackers to access sensitive and confidential data.

Traditional methods for sharing files includes sending attachments in email, transferring files via physical drives, or using personal messaging apps for collaboration purposes. These methods do not provide the security necessary to protect against malicious actors that can access confidential information from your company and sell it to the Dark Web.

A reliable file sharing system will encrypt files in order to prevent unauthorized access. The encryption process converts the plaintext of the file into ciphertext, which can only be converted to its original format by using the right key. The more secure the algorithm, the harder it is for unauthorized people to decrypt the file.

FileCloud’s secure tool for sharing files is the ideal solution for businesses who want to share their files securely with employees, clients, or other individuals. Users can build a custom client portal within minutes and can use customized branding solutions, and control user access. The system also provides advanced features for synchronization and versions, as well as backups and point-intime recovery.